Mission Impact

Why It Matters

Through the Holy Cross Mission Center, the Women's Boxing Club has sent over $1.2 million dollars to the missions in East Africa. These funds have been distributed between tuition assistance, pandemic relief, and focused projects. Many students would not be able to attend these boarding schools if not for the funds which lower tuition to meet students' family needs. As each school has expanded, the construction of new dormitories has ensured that more students can comfortably board at the schools; most students do not live close enough to their school to commute from home. Science laboratories have improved the chances of students attending good universities after secondary school, by preparing them for exams. A new dining hall at St. Joseph's Hill relieved students' need to eat outside regardless of rain or harsh weather. Each project the Holy Cross Mission Center has undertaken with funding from Baraka Bouts has had tangible positive impacts on students' education and well-being.

Letters from Students

Click here to read letters from Lake View students.

Click here to read letters from St. Joseph's Hill students.

"Because of you today we have laboratories and new dormitories for students!" 

-Adoch Francesca, student at St. Joseph's Hill School 

Donate Here

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Laboratory at St. Joseph's Hill
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Dormitory at Lake View
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Dining hall at St. Joseph's Hill